Authentic Singapore Taste
Our Story
Pow Sing was started by Mr Lee Chin Soo and Mr Steven Tan in the year of 1983.
Being traditional Hainanese they wanted to share with Singaporeans the true taste of “Hainanese Chicken Rice” and hence “Pow Sing Hainanese Chicken Rice” stall was opened at the very address that is “Pow Sing Restaurant” now.
報喜’是由道地的海南人—李先生與陳先生于1983 年創立的。 爲了能讓新加坡饕客品賞當地的海南雞飯,便創辦了‘報喜海南雞飯’1989年,李先生與陳先生覺得新加坡美食有更大的推廣空間,於是聘請了一位傳統娘惹廚師。 同時把‘報喜海南雞飯’升格為‘報喜餐館’。 從此,慕名而來的食客因而倍增。 爲了能應付更多的顧客量,于2008年閒‘報喜小廚’便誕生了。 歷經世代的‘報喜’不僅贏得大衆的愛戴及口碑,更因爲‘報喜海南雞飯’自開業以來秉持不變的精湛廚藝與高素質的精選食材而獲得絡繹不絕的食客不間斷的再訪與肯定.
Our New Brand
Welcome our new brand!
We commit to continue to bring you new experiences in our menu, specialties and outlets. We determine to serve you better in many ways and in many years to come.

Our Outlets
Pow Sing (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Pow Sing Kitchen (59 Serangoon Garden Way):
59 Serangoon Garden Way
Singapore 555961
Contact: +65 62840800
Google Maps : Google Maps Direct Link